Steps for Catching an Idaho Dinosaur

Every time I catch a sturgeon, I am amazed by these majestic, prehistoric creatures. To have a thriving population of Snake River giants—which can outlive humans and grow to more than 10 feet long—swimming in…

Local Fishing Report: February 2023

February marks the final month of reliable ice at many local fisheries (although some will likely stay frozen into March). Ice conditions have improved thanks to colder temperatures, especially at higher elevations. As you plan…

Local Fishing Report: January 2023

Happy New Year! January is a prime ice fishing month, but mild weather is creating tricky access and lots of slush at many fisheries. Here are the top options as of this writing (January 12).…

Casting for Recovery Seeks June Retreaters

Are you or someone you know currently undergoing breast cancer treatment or are a breast cancer survivor? If so, Casting for Recovery invites you to apply for its 16th annual Southwest Idaho retreat, happening June…

Local Fishing Report: December 2022

It’s officially ice fishing season! Cold temperatures have brought ideal conditions to several popular fisheries, and others will be fishable before long. I love ice fishing, so my next couple monthly reports will be dedicated…

Local Fishing Report: November 2022

And just like that, it’s winter! The cold weather came suddenly and early this year, throwing some of the usual fall fishing patterns out of whack. But the cold snap has also provided unique opportunities…