Cram Session: Channel Catfish

Did you know channel catfish are one of the most common species in southwest Idaho’s Snake River? These underrated game fish are also one of the most misunderstood fish in our region. In this Tight…

Local Fishing Report: August 2024

We’re in the dog days of summer, folks. After weeks on end of 100-degree temperatures, going outside doesn’t always sound like a fun time. There are, however, still plenty of fish to be caught, and…

Tackle Tip: Float Tube

Tight Lines 208 is dedicated to helping people become better anglers through education. The Tackle Tip is designed to give readers a crash course on a specific lure or gear item. Want to see a…

The Places We Call Home

My earliest fishing memory happened more than 30 years ago at a tiny cabin in the woods of northern Michigan. It was a day filled with excitement and wonder—my dad and five-year-old me didn’t really…

Local Fishing Report: July 2024

Heat, heat, and more heat has been the story so far for July. But despite the triple-digit temperatures, there are plenty of good fishing options. By focusing your trips on early mornings, and/or fishing at…

Cram Session: Heat Wave Fishing

Tight Lines 208 is dedicated to helping people become better anglers through education. The Cram Session is designed to give readers a crash course on a specific fish species or local fishery. Want to see…