Are you or someone you know a breast cancer survivor or currently undergoing breast cancer treatment? If so, Casting for Recovery invites you to apply for its 17th annual Southwest Idaho retreat, happening June 7-9.
Casting for Recovery is a national support and educational program for breast cancer survivors. During the retreat, an all-female staff of medical and fly-fishing professionals guide attendees through a free, three-day weekend of healing at Living Waters Ranch in Challis. In addition to learning how to fly-fish and benefitting from the physical and emotional wellness it can provide, participants are introduced to a supportive forum that helps broaden their understanding of breast cancer treatment and empowers sharing among participants.
To apply, visit www.castingforrecovery.org and apply for Southwestern Idaho, or call (888) 553-3500. The application deadline is March 28. Idaho women with Stage IV breast cancer should apply for Casting for Recovery’s first Idaho Metastatic Retreat. This retreat will be held September 6-8 at Living Waters Ranch, and the application deadline is June 27.